19 March 2010

No Ray's

Well the Ray's trip fell through for this weekend. Shane wrecked pretty bad the other day and would not have been able to go. So that he is able, we are going to try to reschedule within the next couple weeks and try to make it out. A bummer, to say the least, but I have a ton of stuff to do anyway and it has been so nice that there are plenty of other opportunities to ride locally this weekend.

I have gotten my new flash trigger set-up out a couple times and have some decent flicks to show for it. Below are some recent one from the park. I can't wait to get them out in the woods.


  1. I can't wait to get a flash. So that Cactus is working good for you so far? No lag or miss fires or anything? I'll probably end up with the same thing at some point hopefully in the not too distant future.

  2. Yeah, I would highly recommend the Cactus triggers. For the price, I am not sure that they can be beat...I know a lot of other people that shoot with them and get excellent results with them.
